Durasteel was a type of metal alloy used for a variety of purposes, ranging from combat armor to buildings. More resistant than standard steel but weaker than the common alloys of titanium, Durasteel was able to protect against kinetic damage, so it was often used for defensive plating on military starships. Durasteel was able to withstand blows from vibro-weapons, force pikes, and even able to briefly stand against lightsabers.

In Space Engineers, Durasteel is made from Dooninum while in the original Star Wars, it is mostly made from Zersium.

Dooninum in its raw form
Where to find
  • Asteroids
  • All Planets

Volume: 0,1l

Mass unrefined: 0,2kg

Ingame Information

Durasteel is the most common Armor in Ships because of its abundance and durability. It is also being used in most of the Star Wars Machines. To make a Durasteel Plate, you need 7 Refined Dooninum in a Micro Factory Assembler.

Durasteel is not good as a armor but better than Light Armor. Large Blocks have 7.500 HP and weigh 3000kg while small blocks have 300 HP and weigh 120kg. Therefor it is 3x heavier than Beskar while only having half the HP of Beskar Armor. Because of its abundance, it is way cheaper than Beskar or Impervium.